Saturday, June 26, 2010


Well I haven't been feeling good all today and when I took my temperature, I had a fever of 100 degrees, a little over 37 degrees in Celsius. I have been pretty exhausted because of that. It is a combination of events from the Fiesta of the Sacred Heart that Cor Jesu College celebrated.

The celebrations started with a school wide Mass from the Basic Education Department all the way to college. Some of the Brothers from Matina came to celebrate with us. It was a wonderful Mass. However, it was raining cats and dogs outside. That wasn't going to stop everyone from having a good time. The faculty and staff of the school had an acquaintance party. Each department had to come up with a creative way to introduce themselves. Well we Brothers wanted to do something for ourselves. We danced!!!! It was a whole lot of fun, the compliments that we received were tremendous. I would definitely do it again. I really am considering zumba classes now when I get back to the states because dancing is such a workout.
Check it out for yourself:

The Digos community headed to Matina to celebrate Br. Dennis' birthday. I started to feel really bad on the way over there and just frustrated with some things. I am lucky that there are those that I can relate to more here than in the states. I want to thank those Brothers that sat with me last night for listening to me, sometimes it is good to just get things off your chest. We also performed the dance for that community. One lady, who was there, asked me if I had ever had any formal dance training, I said no. I think she was just being really nice to me. I just try to do the best that I can. When I got home last night, I worked on a power point presentation for my presentation today on Br. Polycarp. So going to bed after 11 p.m. and waking up around 5 a.m. is not a great combination.

Today I presented to some of the National Service Training Program classes a historical background of Br. Polycarp. I was really nervous and what was a challenge for me is trying to talk slow so that they can understand the material. So the best way I found to accomplish this was to read and talk about what I had on paper. I also provided a power point of pictures of certain in places that pertain to the life of Br. Polycarp. After the presentations we left it open for questions and that is when I fizzle out. It's like I am having to beg the students for questions because the room gets really quiet. Well at the start of the program, I taught them the heart clap, which is to clap your hands three times, then your feet three times, and then trace a heart on your chest while saying heart. I also taught them, I'm a little tea pot. So the best way that I can break the shy people out of there shell, which seems to be all of them is by entertaining them. I think I do a pretty good job at that. For my first presentation here, I think I did relatively well.

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