Monday, August 16, 2010

Br. Polycarp

So yesterday I did absolutely nothing. I was at the house the entire day, the only thing I had done that day was go to Mass, but that was about it. The night got even better, I was able to go hang out with my Filipino family, Janette, her husband Leslie, her brother Rey, and his friend Ruben. We went to the Bay Walk here in Digos, which is a place I had not been to and like usual did some videoke. After we did that we went and got some chicken, I love friend chicken. Went back to Janette and Leslie's house for some drinks, eat the chicken, and more videoke. It was fun and I was glad that my day which was boring turned into something really positive. I really appreciate the hospitality they show me.

Today was the first day I went with the Br. Polycarp Foundation to one of the schools to start the new BLT program. What this program does is it takes students who are under weight and provides them with a healthy lunch in the hopes that they will reach normal weight as well as an improved nutrition. What a great morning it was to spend it with the children. I was fascinated by the school that I was at. It only goes from kindegarden to 4th grade. Some of the class rooms have more than one grade in it. The classroom or the building more like it housed the 1st and 2nd graders who are being fed through the BLT program. I was glad that I was able to see the parents working together to improve there children's health. I loved how they were cooking everything with the open fire with the pots. In the states we have gas ranges and ovens to cook are food, but I really felt like the way they were cooking the food makes it taste a whole lot better. Being able to play with the children and seeing a smile on there little faces brought so much joy to my heart. I was telling myself "that God is here and is present." The kids enjoyed seeing me, they would follow everything that I was doing, so they walked like me, acted like me, and did the same gestures like me. Even though they don't have much, they seem to have an appreciation for what they do have. The ladies that cooked the food also let Ninoy and I have some, and it was really good. I feel that Br. Polycarp would be really proud of what the foundation is doing and it makes me really proud that the foundation is living out our charism.

This afternoon I was able to rest and recollect. I feel like once I get back in the states, I need a nice retreat. I feel like I am taking in so much that I am starting to not process it all and it is make me feel kind of lonely. The song that comes into my mind is "Too Much Love Can Kill You" by Queen. This evening we had a house meeting and I feel like I got to play devil's advocate. I was challenging something dealing with the schedule. On Saturday's we have it down as attending the Benedictine Monastery for Mass, which requires us to take a car because it is too far to walk. The two Brothers that drive lately have seem to sleep in, which leads us to finding other forms of transportation. I like the Benedictine Monastery and prefer to go there. I was told that it is from the work load that they have and they are tired from it. My question then is "Why have us down to go to the Monastery on Saturday's if you know you are not going to be up to take us?" That's a question I am now thinking and something I should of been raised. Then again our life as a religious should not be consumed in work. Are life isn't all about work, it's part of it, but it is not the only part. That's one thing I am learning about some of the Brothers here is they are workaholics, they might not mean to be, but that's how it is in the position they are in. They just need to find the balance.

This evening was quite an emotional roller coaster ride. I attended the wake of the student who committed suicide. The Hummingbirds Liturgical Club was there as well to provide a prayer service and lend their voices in song. It is sad because the girl was an only child to a broken family and felt like a failure. Some of her friends got up and gave some very emotional speeches. Filipinos express emotion best when it is in their native tongue, although I didn't understand what was being said, but when it got to the point where the room was crying, I was starting to tear up. I too question why a girl as young as 19 years old would take her life. I wonder what goes on in the mind of somebody who commits suicide. We were there probably an hour and a half. I think the mother appreciated it, she got emotional at times herself, but she stood strong. My prayers go out with her. I might be going back on Wednesday night for one last time. Wakes here are often referred to as vigils and they can last form a week to nine days.

Any way back to the Br. Polycarp Foundation tomorrow! Looking forward to it!


  1. Hi Br. Kevin, How are you? We met a few months back when you were doing your apostolic phase in Digos at CJC. I am currently working on Br. Polycarp's website and I stumbled upon this blog. Would you mind if we included this blog under one of our features? Will share your link of course. It's still work in progress, but here's the link.
