So I was out way too late last night to put a blog together, so this one is for the past two days.
Yesterday I continued on with the Br. Polycarp Foundation to another school in the feeding program. This school seemed to be bigger than the other two schools that I had previously been too. First location that Ninoy took me to was where the ladies were going to be cooking. It was outdoors, but connected to the schools canteen. As the ladies were starting to cook, I helped the canteen ladies out by assisting them. The bananas that were in front me sold out because I secretly think all the students wanted to buy them because I was right there. After the lunch was ready we headed to where the students would be eating there lunch. Since we had some time before that I walked around the school and visited with some of the children, which is always fun. As part of the process with Ninoy we are taking pictures of the students that are being fed through the program. However, I was taken back when I saw that one of the students in the first grade was the same age as me. I was not sure if this was an error, but it was the truth. I don't know why, but I felt really bad about him being in a class with 7 and 8 year olds. Come to find out he was in the hospital a lot when he was younger and he is a very slow learner. The students enjoyed there lunches and I was glad I was able to witness the process. I am also amazed at the dedication of the parents to the program. It really goes to show there love for there children in participating in the program.
Last night I went to the funeral home for the girl that died here. We had a Mass there and it was really nice. One of the Hummingbirds and I sang the responsorial psalm, which was "shepherd me O God". I love that psalm. Afterwards I almost drove my first motorcycle, but decided not to do it because I would want to practice in a field first.
With intramurals coming up next week here, groups are slowly perfecting there cheer dances. However, one of the rules that they are given is not to hire a trainer. So Br. Roger goes out periodically to check on different practices to make sure that the rules are being followed. Well I went with him last night and the first group we went to was busted. I actually felt really bad for the students because they had broken a confidentiality agreement that said they wouldn't hire a trainer and they did, plus we have pictures as a proof. Interesting to see what Br. Roger might do to the group, will he let them perform or ban them from performing. After we did some more stake outs we went and had some drinks with Jo Jo. We ended up staying out till almost 2 a.m. I was pretty exhausted this morning and didn't wake up. Let's just say I am going to sleep good tonight.
Today was my last day to travel with the Br. Polycarp Foundation. The school we went to today was down the road from the Power campus. What was different about today was that there were no parents there yet when Ninoy and I had arrived. I don't want to say that I was worried, but I wasn't sure what time they were going to come or if they were coming at all. The principal told us that the day before, none of the parents had shown up. However, before Ninoy and I started to help with what we could, the principal showed us around the school and I got to visit some of the classes, which was a lot of fun. I really liked the energy of some of the students there. After the tour, Ninoy and I began to help taking the leaves off of a vegetable for the meal. Slowly, but surely the parents started to show up and the feast was now in the process of being made. I was happy that I was able to contribute with what I could. One of the parents did say that in the three weeks that they have been doing this, her daughter has gained some weight exactly what the program is setting out to do to increase the weight of the children. So I was really happy to hear that it was working. I felt that this experience with the Br. Polycarp Foundation has opened up my eyes to some of the needs of the children here especially in regards to nutrition. If I ever come back to the Philippines, I want to work with the Br. Polycarp Foundation.
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