Friday, July 30, 2010


It's been a while since I last posted a blog, but things have been a little crazy for me especially since I have been traveling back and forth to Davao for the past two days going to visit Br. Dan in the hospital. Last night I even stayed the night at the hospital, didn't really get to sleep much, so I am currently really exhausted. The trip to Davao has been taking almost an hour and a half each time I go into the city and coming back. To make things more frustrating, when I went on Wednesday to see him, I have to get back to Cor Jesu to teach a class, the bus I was on broke down, which really didn't make my day. I missed the class that I had to teach. It's been hard for me to take the time to quiet myself just because I am worried about Br. Dan. They were moving the IV to his other hand last night and it was hurting him when they were trying to insert it. I have never seen him in that much pain before in my life. This morning he was in good spirits, he was actually able to sleep a few hours last night.

Other than that, haven't been too busy. Played basketball on Wednesday night with some faculty and staff and tonight we played volleyball. I like how the teachers really get involved in the recreational sports.

Because I wasn't able to teach the class on Wednesday, I taught it today. Now the class that I was teaching is a second year high school class. Their are two sections, section A and section B. I taught section B who gets a lot of comments made towards them that they are lazy, noisy, stubborn, and just don't listen. So my goal was to raise there awareness of this, which they already know about and try to turn it into something a little creative. I engaged them with a Gospel reading from Luke and had them act it out, it was the parable of the good samaritan. My challenge to the class was to see if they can improve in the last month that I am here at Cor Jesu. This should be interesting to see.

They will be fogging Cor Jesu tomorrow to kill the mosquitoes, so it is going to be an early day and a long day since I will also be heading back to Davao and will be there all day.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


So today was the last of the recollections for me. It was sad, but nice. I felt more confident after this one on possibly taking on the responsibility that comes with facilitating a recollection. I am also very confident now in leading meditations. Today two of the students broke down after the meditation. They really got into what I was saying and they felt that they were actually in a beautiful haven with the opportunity to talk to Jesus. Amazing how you think something like a meditation could have such an impact on someone's life. As I was saying yesterday, it seems like most of the students have lost a parent. One girl today shared and expressed how it feels for her since she has lost both of her parents. Even though she has suffered so much with the loss of her parents, she just came across as a very strong woman. My prayers tonight were with her and those that have lost parents.

I also found out that Br. Dan had to go to the hospital due to dengue fever. I will be going to visit him and hoping that he gets better really soon.

I will keep information on him updated as he gets better. He should be there for about 5 to 10 days.

Monday, July 26, 2010


Today started another round of recollections put on by the campus ministry office. The recollection we had today was a lot more emotional for the students. What really touched me was the fact that the meditation I lead today put one girl into tears. She really got so much from it and I was taken back I really didn't know how to talk to her. Just all around, more people were brought to tears. If one person starts to cry during a story, then that story might impact someone else. It was also the first time we had two guys really break down. Throughout all the recollections I am starting to discover how poor some of the students really are. Some were thankful that they had enough money to attend the recollection, it just worries me how they are able to afford the tuition. It seems like they really are getting by one day at a time. Besides the poverty, I am also discovering that some students lose a parent early in there life. In my small group last week, out of a group of 10, 3 had already lost there father. I'm glad that they are able to come to the recollection and get some of this stuff off of there chest and just let it all out.

Other than the recollection, been taking it easy. So I have remembered some other things particular to the Filipino culture. Most of the men have hair gel in there hair. No lie almost every guy you see has hair product in. It's funny and sometimes there hair is hard as rock.

So my computer charger is not working, so it takes me forever just to type one blog now, so hopefully I can either get it fixed or replaced, we shall see.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Earthquake and Ants

Well I wasn't able to post a new blog last night because it was super late when I got back from Davao, but yesterday was a crazy day. I experienced my second earthquake here in the Philippines yesterday morning. It registered a 7.4 magnitude and the epicenter was in the water, which I am thankful for because no telling what kind of damage it could do. I was sitting at my desk and I realized my desk was shaking to the point that I got up and ran to get under the doorway. At first I thought it could of been me either dizzy or disoriented, but when I sat down I felt it again and this time ran downstairs where the other Brothers were in the dining room, right when I saw them they said "you felt the earthquake." Nothing was damaged with this one and there was no tsunami. I was talking to one of the students today and he says he hates the feeling he gets when he experiences an earthquake, it's like the room is spinning. It was interesting to say the least.

After that little episode we went to the beach for about 30 minutes, just to go swimming for a little while. It was nice. I also got to see some of the fishermen at work. That is interesting as well.

Went into Davao yesterday just to go to People's Park and to the mall. This is another thing about Filipino's especially the girls here. If you have a camera and you are about to take a picture, they want to be in the picture. Even when I look at them, they scream like gitty little girls. Let's just say all eyes were on me while at this park. It was a really nice park, they had walking areas and grass areas where people can meet. Walked around the grass area and took some pictures with the people around there.

On our way back to Digos last night, the entire bus was full. So to make the trip interesting, I was having to stand up in the isle while we were heading back, it was that full. I thought I was going to have to stand up the entire time, but slowly people were getting off. I was able to find a seat, plus I was extremely tired.

This morning went to Mass at the monastery, I like that place. Tonight going to Janette's new house for a little get together. I am really looking forward to this because I know this is going to be a fun night.

Right now this will probably be the last time I blog from my laptop. For some reason my computer charger is not working probably, no lie I think there are ants in my charger. I only say that because when I unplugged my charger it was covered in ants. Ants seem to be everywhere in the Philippines. Hopefully I can get it fixed or find another one.

Friday, July 23, 2010


You never really know what kind of impact you could have on someone especially when you just talk to the person. Well tonight I got a really nice compliment from one of the students who was at our last Recollection and who I got to hang out with last Sunday at the swimming pool with the badminton team, he is on the team. At the recollection he went into some very personal stuff, especially dealing with his past. This guy has so much potential in life as well as in badminton, I told him I don't want you to be caught up in the past because it could impair your future. Who knew that those words of advice that I spoke to him could mean so much to him. He sent me a message thanking me for the advice, then he told me that he is adding me to his prayers. He also told me that I am a guardian angel to him as well as to others. I wasn't expecting to receive that. It really let's me know that I have something that I can share with others.

Today was just like yesterday, really slow. I finished working on my reflection for the BED. I also got a surprise concert by some of the Hummingbirds today, which I filmed. It was incredible, they are all really gifted singers. I washed clothes as well today, nothing exciting about that. In the afternoon, I was between the Campus Ministry Office and the new Vocations Office that Br. Dado has. It is a nice office and he is trying to get it all set up. I also did some reading on what one of our Brothers in the states put together on the Rule of Life. Interesting reading. Was suppose to play basketball tonight, but those plans fell through. Maybe next time though. I might be going to one of the high school classes next week and straighten out there students, hehe.

As you can see nothing to exciting happened for me today. Well wait a second, we had three stray kittens dropped off at Cor Jesu. We took them in, but one of the dogs got to them and ended up killing all three kittens. It was quite sad. They were just kittens.

I am trying to think of other things that are distinctive of the Philippines, but I am having writers block on that. However, one thing that is strange to me is that the Filipinos even when it is hot outside will wear a jacket, it happens more in the morning. It is cooler in the morning, but not to cool. Their sense of cold is a whole lot different then mine.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


I didn't post any blog yesterday because I was just way to tired. The recollection we had yesterday was really long, but it was good. I was able to go to confession yesterday as well, which was nice. I went to bed earlier than usual last night because I was so tired, expecting to do it all over again today.

I was on the assumption that we were going to be having another recollection today only because when we had a meeting at the beginning of the month I had this whole week marked off with recollections. So as I am waiting for the bus to come around and the rest of the campus ministry staff to show, nobody showed. Eventually I found out there was no recollection, which brought me joy because I needed the break. Then I didn't wan to do anything. Well I can't really say that because I got the reflection that I needed to do for the Basic Education Department done, but then I enjoyed my day. The Basic Education Department was having their acquaintance party today so I went to different parts of it, actually I went to all the fun parts. I even ended up performing Dani California to them all, which I think they enjoyed. For some reason I was more nervous performing it in front of them. Then I also enjoyed the disco they were having, dancing with the other teachers and how all the students wanted me to dance in there group. Let me just say some of the stuff I was seeing today would definitely not be allowed back in the states. No it wasn't the dancing that was making me nervous, it was how the students wanted us to dance with them that made me nervous. It rained again today, really bad actually different parts of the school are flooded. I ended up going to jump in a puddle, which could be called a pool more than anything.

It seems that there are so many small things I think about that I want to make mention on here, but sometimes I forget. Especially where I am at or Digos in general they usually don't have any toilet seats. Just random stuff that I think about that I experience with the Filipino culture. It's like I need to write certain stuff down as I experience the culture.

Here is the link to view the video of me singing:

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

One shot!

So since I was in high school I realized that I could shoot half court shots backwards. It is actually easier to shoot them backwards then forwards. Well on Saturday I was shooting them, it usually takes me a few times to actually make it because I have to see how hard I am throwing the ball, the way I am throwing it, etc. Well today I was talking to one of the worker students telling him about it because there was basketball going on outside today. Well I went out there and asked the children if I could shoot half court shots backwards and if they would rebound for me till I make it. They agreed. What happened next was absolutely amazing. My first try at shooting it was a complete success. NOTHING BUT NET! I was really happy, students were cheering, and the whole time I was shocked because it took me only one shot. Gosh I wish I had had my camera out there.

Other than that today was day 2 of recollections. The group was much smaller today then it usually has been, instead of a group that numbers over the 40's we had a group of 28. Another thing was that this group was composed more of males then females. I gave my meditation again today. I get such an incredible feeling every time I deliver the meditation. From the feedback we were getting from the students, they were going deep into the meditation that I wanted them to go into. However, tomorrow I am going to be adding more on what I do in the morning with them. It is a trial in the hopes that I will facilitate one of the recollections next week. It just makes me really nervous just trying to know the material, but also because there is a language barrier. I challenged my group today to try to speak in English, but some felt that to explain they had to speak in their native tongue which I completely understand. I just want them to experience something while on the recollection. The recollections give me time to be by myself and to think, but it also helps me to understand what these students are facing in there lives.

Had an animation session tonight with the other Brothers. I am amazed how deep they go into what the General Chapter asked of the Brothers back in 2006. I hope to take back with me some of these things to put into practice. I also like how the perpetually professed Brothers make up a formation plan as well to let the council know how they are doing and what they are doing. I think that needs to be a practice, just because it is hard for me being the only novice and not being able to here the formation plans that the perpetually professed Brothers are going through because let's be honest, we say ongoing formation, but how can we bring this into practice.

Monday, July 19, 2010

No cellphones please...

For some reason today just seems like it was a terrific day. For everything that I did, I thought I would be extremely exhausted, but I am just really happy.

Today started the weeks worth of Recollections campus ministry is doing this week. It was also my first time at the recollection to lead the meditation. I was nervous, but I think I did well for my first time. I got some pointers from the director and so hopefully I can improve with my next one. The group today was really fantastic. It was nice because I knew a few of the students so that in itself made things different. I led the orientation before we got the ball rolling for the recollection and one thing I wanted them to do is to turn off there cellphones and put them away. I made this announcement because the last time we had a recollection, people were texting while students were going into some personal stuff. Plus it was just rude. I do have to say this group listened very well, I only had to give the look at two students who were texting. What I mean by the look is that look that makes them realize they have been busted. It was also nice today because it wasn't as hot as it usually is. It rained today as well so that helped. The group today was thus far our best group. Hopefully tomorrows group is the same. I also enjoy a lot of the quiet time the students have because it gives me time for my own time to recollect and reflect. It was really nice before it rained when the wind was blowing because when the wind blows it makes me think that the spirit is at work, which it always is, but this is a manifestation of it.

Once we got back to school, I was in a hurry, getting to another Mass and then cleaning up after that Mass and then trying to see people around the school. It was a mad dash around the campus. I was able to go see some of the Student Development Center ladies, who are amazing. Jampy was there, she is the 5 year old niece of Madam Rose, who is adorable. I told her I wanted to spin her around, you know like taking her hands and spinning her around. When I did it, I got gasps from students. Let me just say it is something they have never done here. I told them we do it in the states. They might try it from now on.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


When it rains it pours here, so naturally it is going to flood. It rained the entire night, I went to bed with it raining and woke up with it raining. I was worried that this rain was going to ruin the plans that Br. Roger had made for me with the badminton team. We were suppose to go early this morning to a swimming pool so the team can practice and Br. Roger and I could swim. It was delayed two hours, but I was happy that I was able to go swimming. I really enjoy swimming, it is a great form of exercise. The pool that we used is about 30 minutes away from the school. The badminton team was using the pool for conditioning. Although I went for swimming, I did partake in some of the conditioning exercises the team was going through. However, I ended up getting a charlie horse in my leg, still feeling it now.

After we got back, I was a little tired, so I laid down and watched some television. I didn't want to be lazy the whole day, I did go outside for a walk, which today was relatively cooler than usual. It must have been from all the rain. I just very peaceful. It's that since of God working in my life and having me where I need to be. One word - chicken! I got two little chicken skewers for five pesos each, which is a still. There were many activities going on around the school, but I just wanted to be by myself. I was surrounded by people all morning, but I wanted that time alone. It was very nice!

Tomorrow starts the whole weeks worth of recollections. I will be leading the meditation at them all, so prayers for me! I also hope I can get in some time for my own personal reflection and recollection while I am there.

Something that has been bugging me for so long, but now I have remembered to write about it. Being in the Philippines has allowed me to see things that you wouldn't see in the states, like cock fighting. While at the pool today I saw two roosters almost getting into it. What frustrates me about the states are all those people who push for the rights of animals. You know PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). They are so worried about animal rights that they almost forget about human life altogether, in the case of abortions. Does an animals life weigh more than a humans life. I feel like some people live there lives as hypocrites when it comes to this subject. They fight for animal rights, but then they find it okay for women to have an abortion. Just wanted to express this.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


So as I type this blog it is currently thundering and lightning outside. Although you might think that this is a strange topic to bring up, it is one that I have been wanting to write about. I can't recall the last time I heard it thunder and lightning up in Syracuse. So I kind of miss it and being here in the Philippines is letting experience that again. Who doesn't love to sleep when it is thundering and lightning outside.

Other than that it has been three days since I last wrote on my blog, which is strange, but my nights have been kind of busy. During the day on Thursday, I gave blood for the first time here in the Philippines. The school was sponsoring a blood drive so I did my part to donate blood. We also had a memorial Mass for the little girl in the Basic Education Department who passed away from the dengue virus, which has put a lot of people in the hospital here in Digos. I found it a touching expression of the love this school community has. It was also a very hot day. I also found myself in the campus ministry office longer than expected, but when you start talking about liturgical music and other kinds of music for Masses, it catches my interest. Our community went out for dinner. Now I have been really good about trying things here in the Philippines, well I tried this soup that they ordered and almost started gagging, it was so sour and salty, I had to shove food down my mouth just to get rid of the taste. After that I went to Madame Rose's house with Br. Roger to celebrate her birthday. All of the Student Development Center ladies were there, by the way have I mentioned to you all that they are all really awesome. We hung out and sang videoke, but while all this was going on deep down inside I was getting sad because there is going to be a time when I have to say goodbye to them all.

Friday was a better day for me. Even the SDC ladies saw that I was a lot happier. Gosh I love those ladies, always very honest with me and very encouraging. There was a meeting for non-teaching staff, but I didn't have to attend, thank God, it was a four hour meeting. However, I stayed in the campus ministry office because everybody else that works in the office was at the meeting. It gave me time to work on my meditation for next week as well as the reflection for the Basic Education Department. Gosh sometimes I find putting reflections together really hard. I wouldn't be a great homilist that's for sure. I am trying to prepare for the following Monday's reflection but the reading I am focusing on is so hard that I am turning to a monk for help and sure enough he helped me. Later that evening I went with Br. Roger to see the varsity basketball team play. So the courts that these guys play on our concrete, so they don't dive very much. They won. Afterwards we went to Rizal Park for a second, then we went to a nice like place for a beer. It kind of reminded me of the outdoor places they have in New Orleans, lights in the trees and the right mood music.

Today was a day of trying to figure out what I was going to do today. I ended up hanging out with some of the Hummingbirds while they were trying to record a CD so that the first communion class can learn the music for when they make there first communion. I also attended a formation session with some of the sports teams. We watched a movie called "Facing the Giants" which is a movie about giving everything to God in winning and in losing, but it also gave a message that if at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again. I was getting into the movie and the students were getting into it as well. I also led them in a meditation, which was really nice, I think they got something out of it. The one year intramural league began today and I got to be the person to throw the ball up for the ceremonial toss up. Let me just say I tossed it up a whole bunch of times. Even before that Br. Roger and I were shooting and I started trying the half court shot backwards. Well after a few tries I finally made it and the students were cheering for me, oh and it was nothing but net.

Went to Mass tonight because I have a busy day tomorrow and feel like I will be too exhausted to go tomorrow night.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Good Day

Today was a much better day. It was also nice because we didn't have any recollections today so got to stay on campus all day. My morning was spent putting together a meditation for next week's recollections as well as a reflection for the Basic Education Department for there flag ceremony on Monday. I like to work ahead. Things were really busy in the Campus Ministry Office. We had excuse slips for those that went on the recollection's, which required us to fill in there names and the date. We are probably going to have the same thing happen tomorrow.

The afternoon was a little different though. Some of the guys from the other communities dropped by for a second, I got to meet the new postulant as well as the novice that left back in April, I am hoping he comes back. I also went and got my hair cut today, my first time here in the Philippines, I also got a little massage after. I just had my head shaved, nothing to spectacular. I am told I look more mature with my hair cut short.

After the haircutting expedition, Br. Poloy and I had fun taking pictures around the campus. It was fun. Went into some of my favorite offices to take pictures with some really great people. Gosh I love this place.

Tonight I played basketball and had to guard Br. Eli, realize Br. Eli is over 20 years older than me and shorter, plus he is delegate superior. We had a blast I just followed him and he tried to get away from me, but I stuck on him. It was fun. On a serious note though, I did have an interview with him afterwards regarding how things were going. It was a great meeting and I appreciated all the feedback he gave me as well as the support he gave me. Especially in trying to find the balance of being serious and yet enjoying myself. Trying to find the mean between two extremes.

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. There is a blood drive tomorrow and I am giving blood as well as helping to serve food. We are also having a memorial/tribute Mass here to the little girl who died from dinghy. Originally her parents were going to come, but they have decided to back out because it would be too hard. It will be nice to see the school community remember one of there own.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


So I have been trying to find this balance between trying to be serious and yet still joke with people, but trying to find this balance is probably one of the hardest things I am struggling with today. Today we had another recollection at the Benedictine sisters. This group was a lot different from yesterday's group, this group would talk more in the times they should be silent, they wouldn't really listen when others had to share. So it was quite frustrating and it didn't help that I was really tired. I wore my glasses today because my contacts were hurting my eyes really bad this morning. It seems like what I am doing right now is complaining, but this is the outlet that I can let out my frustration. In the morning, one of the students that was on the recollection is a student I joke with, well he came up to me this morning and asked me why I was being so serious. I know there is a time to be serious and a time to joke, but when are those times. I am really trying with all my heart to find this balance, but it seems like I can't win. To make matters worse candle wax got all over one of my Filippino shirts, ahhhh, so frustrated. To think things could worse, well they sort of did.

I seem to have a lot of jokes played on me and to be honest a lot of times I am not sure if they are jokes and have to ask if they are. So I make it part of my day to go visit different offices each day. One for example is to visit the security guards guardhouse. There is security on campus 24 hours a day 7 days a week. They are all really nice and I enjoy going to say hello to them. They are trying to teach me some of there language and I am helping them with english. Since I wasn't able to go by to visit with them during the day, I went tonight after dinner. I am sure they appreciate it as well since they probably don't have that many people come by to just visit with them. One of the people that works here at Cor Jesu saw me and said she hopes they are not paying me more to sit here as a guard. I told her I don't get paid for anything I do here. Now she could be joking around with me, I am not really sure though. She then said that people here are getting tired of me, which really brought me down, with everything that happened last week and how I was feeling today. Like I said she could be joking, but I am not sure. It really brought me down though, almost to the point of just wanting to cry. I don't want to be that person that people get tired of. Now I feel like I should just keep myself in the campus ministry office and never come out unless I am coming back to the house. I could be over analyzing things, but with how I felt earlier in the day, I just didn't need to hear a comment like that.

I just hope tomorrow is a better day!

Monday, July 12, 2010


One thing I am really amazed at here in the Philippines is there since of community. I cannot explain how strong the family ties are here as well as the ties of friendship. This came to me tonight as I was visiting the home of a first year college student from Cor Jesu. Last Thursday his father passes away and so the Director of Alumni Affairs and myself stopped by the house to visit him and the rest of the family. In Filippino culture, the death of someone includes a nine day novena to the person. They also put out a canopy that let's people know that someone has died. Something that I wasn't expecting when I got there was the actual casket with his father there in the home. So we sat around and chatted. There were probably over 30 people at there house, some were outside playing games. It was really nice, I enjoyed visiting with his family, especially his younger siblings. The guy I went to visit is the second child of eight. So it has to be really hard on the family now with the man that brought in income has passed. I told him he could always come and talk to me in campus ministry if he needed to talk. I also was able to stay for prayer with everyone. The prayer was in the native tongue, although I don't understand, I prayed silently as well as listened to the leader of the prayer pray at the foot of the casket. It's sad that it was a loss, but I am ever so grateful for the opportunity to have an experience of death and the rites that follow in the Filippino culture.

Today also started recollections for the 3rd year college students for there religious studies class. The venue the recollections are held is at the Benedictine sisters place and let me tell you they are all decked out in black. The recollections are usually all day. I am there to watch right now, but will be facilitating them later on. However, my job was to come up with icebreakers and by golly I came up with some really good ones that they all enjoyed. Tomorrow I plan on doing some the same and some different. I also tried to not distract the students from what the experience was about, seeing the compassionate heart Jesus had and how to live it in our own lives. I was trying not to be as active as I usually am in hopes of trying to be serious in the important matters and not act like I am a little boy. We had a reconciliation service for them, which I had the chance to go to. It is the first time I have received that sacrament while here in the Philippines. I think a lot of the students enjoyed themselves, some even got a little teary eyed, however, I don't know what they were saying a lot of times because they were speaking in the native tongue. Now the bus ride back to the school was interesting. Now they wanted me to be entertaining. They kept wanting me to say istoryaheey to people on the street, which I still don't know what it means. They also wanted me to do facial model poses. One girl, joking, said that I act like a boy. Now that was when the whole trying to be serious thing went out the window, I mean come one, can't a man catch a break. Thanks to Janette, who works at the Student Development Center, she told me that when she was in school there was a brother who always kept them entertained, he was fifty acting like a child and he left the biggest mark on her. I am going to be serious when I have to, but I do want to enjoy what I am doing. I don't want to have that kind of reputation when I leave here.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


So Sunday's here in the Digos community are usually the mornings where we can typically sleep in and I try to take advantage of that option. However, this morning I was awoken to a knock on my door by one of the Brothers wanting me to go say goodbye to my formation director. I said that I told my formation director that I might be asleep when he leaves. I stayed in bed though for another hour. It is also nice on Sunday's when we don't catch an early Sunday Mass instead we have one later and can really take the time to catch up on our much needed rest especially since this week will be a very busy week for me.

Well the Sunday college student's held there acquaintance party today. It started off with a Mass celebrated by Father Rico. Now Father Rico is a young priest, he is only 31 years old and can really relate to the young people. Plus he is just a really nice guy, he is going to be in Ottawa, Canada to study Canon Law come September. Might have to try to see if we could plan a road trip to visit with him. The Mass was really nice, like always here. Now there are these two sisters that attend the Sunday College. They belong to the Apostolic Daughters of Mary and they are really amazing women. They are also really fun and I always enjoy being around both of them because they make me laugh. I told them that if they were in America and young women got to know them, they would be signing up in a heart beat.

This afternoon was rather slow, helped move some things around the school. This evening we went to the Benedictine Monastery here in Digos to celebrate there fiesta with them. The monks that I have met have all been super men. It was nice, it started off with Vespers and then we all moved into there flower garden for dinner. The place was really nice and they also had a band. It was great being able to go to vespers with them because it brought up memories of all the times I prayed with the monks at St. Joseph's Abbey. I kind of wanted to see some of the psalms like they do at the Abbey. There garden space was really beautiful and very accommodating. I would enjoy hanging out in that space. It also gave me time to meet some more of the monks and actually introduce myself since they see me at Mass here. They had crabs at dinner and let me just say I really enjoyed eating some crabs, made me feel like I was at home. They also had a band and the band would let anyone sing. Well they wanted me to sing, but by the time I found a song to sing it was too late and they were wrapping things up.
Back to the topic of singing. I wrote in my last blog that I had sung for some students, well I did it again today for the students of Sunday College right before I left for the Monastery. They all really enjoyed it and the two ADM sisters were throwing there hands up in the air. It's amazing, I have so much confidence to get in front of the crowd to talk and to sing at that, but back in the states I get really nervous. I might not be the best singer in the world, but I try and I appreciate all the support those that have to listen to me give me. Today they wanted an encore, they wanted me to sing again, but I had nothing in my repertoire. Maybe next time. I should really learn some old classic songs because they all seem to know those songs.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


So the past two days have been busy. Yesterday I had to complete the prayer for the Association of Religious Men and Women of Digos (ARMWOD) Assembly we had this morning. It included getting the reading for the prayer together as well as the other information for the powerpoint. Besides working on the prayer, I went and sat in on one of the Freshman Formation Program classes. This week I went into the Director of Alumni Affairs class, Joe Joe. Joe Joe is a super nice guy and is really generous in everything he does. I have probably mentioned this before about FFP, but it is a precursor to Religious Studies classes that students are required to take. Well Joe Joe was talking about how we need to thank our parents for all that they do for us, especially those parents that were pulling whatever money they could to come to school at Cor Jesu. It was also how some students have a hard time paying period as well as the distances they have to travel to get to school. Suddenly attention turned to the back of class where one of the guys in the class got up and he was crying. I thought it was because he was probably poor and was a situation where he has to travel from far away to attend Cor Jesu. Well I discovered later that his father had passed away the day before. My heart goes out to this guy and his family, the father was the worker in the family, so now it is going to be hard for him and the family. Joe Joe said that we are going to go visit the family. I also had a meeting with Br. Dan, it was all good, I was aware of everything, even the one thing that I could work on, I already knew that I needed to work on.

Today we had the ARMWOD assembly, which was a lot of fun. It comes all the religious of the Diocese of Digos. However, the religious sisters dominate. It was fun for me just to see and meet other religious. I got to meet another one of the monks from the Benedictine Monastery and he is a really nice guy. We will be going over there tomorrow to celebrate with them on their fiesta. They also elected new officers for ARMWOD. Yay for Br. Poloy who was elected President. I know it will be a challenge for him, but I think he will do great.

So there was a pageant to search for Mr. and Mrs. Art and Sciences Department here at Cor Jesu. Although I wasn't a judge I sat by the judges. Then the idea hit that I need to go buy the karaoke version of the song I like to sing and perform. Well I did just that and performed it. All the contestants were on stage and I was weaving in and out of them, going into the crowd, and just having a great time. I don't know what it is about the Philippines, but it is making me a star performer. I love it here.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

New Day

Well I felt a little better today. I woke up feeling really groggy, I think it has to do with the mood that I was in yesterday. I feel like I still have a lot to learn about myself and a lot about self control. I can't let my emotions control who I am because that can affect how I am in ministry.

On the plus side I got a few new things today. One I finally got my Cor Jesu College ID, it might be something small, but it makes me smile, it is a souvenir I will definitely be taking back to the states with me. I also got two t-shirts that say "Proud to be Cor Jesian". I like the shirts but they are just really big on me. All the Filippino shirts that I have tried on fit me differently, for instance I fit in a 2XL with some shirts, well it just so happens that the shirts I was given today are about a 5XL, yeh it makes me feel huge, people I have lost weight and the rest of my shirts from the states that are XL are getting to big for me, so that is comforting.

We also went to Mass at the Benedictine Monastery today, it is always nice going there. I also tried Durian for the first time. It is sort of the staple fruit for the Filipinos. The way it is described is as follows "smells like hell, but tastes like heaven." Well I don't think it tastes like heaven, but it is okay. I also took some time today to read the Bible, something I should be doing more of. I read all of the Book of Revelations today. Tomorrow it might be something else. Played basketball tonight, it was pretty fun but my team lost. Washed clothes today, nothing exciting about that.

Well in other news and I didn't post this yesterday, but my brother and sister - in - law are expecting baby number 2. They just found out that they are going to be having a boy. So now I am going to have a niece and a nephew. However, it is hard for me being so far away because I feel like I miss out on so much. I will definitely make up for that in the future.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I feel really different about today. I had some really high points with today and some really low points. It seems that the low points are those that are weighing down hard on my heart. On the high notes I was able to get a lot accomplished in regards to powerpoint presentation for our opening prayer for Saturday and the outline typed as well as the prayers of the faithful typed. I also attended a meeting for a new program with the Br. Polycarp Foundation. It was a great kickoff to a program and it really makes me want to spread the word to our schools in the states to help raise funds. The program will feed first and second graders who are underweight and not getting the right amount of food they need. They will be fed a lunch and the parents will be taught how to cook healthy food on a budget that they can afford. I really want to raise funds for this program.

On the downside, I did go and buy some water guns today, something that I have been wanting to do. Note to self, no water guns with the students especially when the students need to be at work. I feel terrible. Also I guess my joking is a bit extreme sometimes for some of the Filippino, so now I feel bad about that and I am now more afraid to joke. I guess I need to figure out what the boundary is, but let's be honest they joke with me all the time. I guess you can say I am really beating myself up over the childish mistakes. I guess it is something I really need to reflect on. I guess I am letting the thought of having fun overtake what I really need to be doing. I can have fun, but I need to be serious as well.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Well today turned out to be an interesting day. Yet again I had a problem with the shower working. I pretty much had to rough it out with the water. The Basic Education Department here gives to each class a saint name. Well one of those saint names is St. Maria Goretti, who's feast day is today, also since St. Benedict's feast is on Sunday. The two classes came together for a Mass in the Brothers chapel to celebrate these two feasts. It was also a fun day for those students, they didn't have to wear there uniforms and they also had a really big potluck. I was invited and even though I had already eaten, I did enjoy some of the yummy deserts.

I am trying to figure out what is the best way to break up my day in regards to working at Campus Ministry and spending some time to myself. I found just completely stopping myself from all activities was not the best decision because I would be to distracted and would want to be back in the school. So today I tried something different. I spent time before lunch doing some reading in one of the books that I am reading. Then I took some time after lunch just for quiet time and rest. I am also busy trying to put together an opening prayer with Br. Dado for the religious assembly this Saturday for Digos. I think we got it done, I just have to time it all out. Then after that I started to read more on the Brothers Rule of Life. I think it worked a lot better than what I had been doing. Like I have mentioned before quieting down is not one of my strong points. Br. Dan also arrived today so we took a walk around the school and just chatted. Although I enjoy the time here without him, it is good to see him periodically.

I have to give a shout to Jo Jie "Lady Guard", that is what the students call her and she is one of the security guards at the gate of the school. I have taken the time to go each day to visit with the guards since they are protecting the school and, therefore, keeping me safe. In chatting with them I am helping them with there english. All of the security guards are all pretty cool and I enjoy chatting with them all.

I have to mention the Student Development Center ladies because I go each day to say hello to them. They really make me feel like I am at home and I really appreciate there friendship while I am here and even after I leave.

Tomorrow is going to be interesting because we are having a memorial/tribute to an 8 year old student who lost her life to dingy (malaria). I hate it when little children die, so I hope I can just keep it together.

Monday, July 5, 2010


Well today started out as one of those days that I thought would end up being a complete failure. So the shower that I use sometimes doesn't give me any water, so I usually have to wait for the water to come out. Well at the same time, the director of Campus Ministry called the house looking for me. It had me thinking that I was going to be in some trouble, which I wasn't going to be. I was finally able to take my shower, but when I went to put my contacts in, the lights when out. It was really windy outside and it began to rain, so double fail. I was able to get dress in the dark and finish everything I needed to do. I went outside and realized with the director was calling me. We had to bless the new Basic Education Department's canteen, which I do have to say is really nice. The blessing had to be put on hold due to the weather.

So with that put on hold. I headed to the Campus Ministry office where we had a meeting that last maybe two hours discussing events for this month. Let me just say it is going to be a very busy month, but very rewarding. I also have been put in charge of putting together reflections every morning for BED during there flag ceremony. It is a short reflection and I have already put together the reflection for next Monday. I don't like to wait till the last minute to do something like this. I also took some time to go visit the ladies at the Student Development Center. I absolutely love them all, they are really great. Annalou told me she reads my blog, so this shout out is to you Annalou, hey that rhymes! Oh and Janette is my Filippino sister!

Because this afternoon was looking quite busy. I took the short time that I had after lunch to spend some time to myself. It gave me a chance to relax. Sometimes I find it very hard to quiet myself down when I am in a quiet place. It seems that I am able to reflect more when I am surrounded by people. So this is something that I need to reflect on. How can I grow closer to God when I can't really do when I am by myself? Something completely different than what formation is asking of me. I guess I am just going to have to learn.

This afternoon we had our regular Monday Mass, which is usually in the Brothers chapel. This week we had to move everything into one of the AV rooms because we are inviting one class a week form the Basic Education Department to join us. So moving an altar and ambo is not really fun especially when it is hot because you sweat a lot. It was nice and the priest that was the celebrant is a really nice guy. He even complimented me on my weight loss since it has been a few weeks since I have seen him.

After Mass, the Brothers and myself gathered for faith sharing, it was the first time we have gathered like this since I have been here. It was really nice just hearing about what the other Brothers go through and how much they turn to the Brothers when they are having a rough day. I absolutely love this community. I feel really connected to them.

To end the evening, Joe Joe the director of Alumni Affairs at Cor Jesu College invited us over to his place for dinner. Br. Roger and myself were the only ones able to attend. Let me just say when I stepped into his house I didn't feel like I was in the Philippines anymore. I thought I was back in the states. He has one of the nicest houses that I have seen since I have been in the Philippines. It was great just visiting. He is really nice and is a very generous man. He has a giant heart of gold. Plus he gave me this really cool bag that was made by Filippino muslims.

Although I have two months left I am really going to miss this place once I am gone!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Fourth of July!

Even though I am not in the states, it doesn't mean that I can't celebrate the fourth of July! However, my day started off with Mass, of course it would, why wouldn't it not start with Mass because that makes my day. I really like attending Mass at the Benedictine monastery here in Digos. There is something about Benedictine monastery's that I really love, I guess you can say that it is an advantage of attending a seminary that was at a monastery. Well the chapel they use is not very big, but it was packed. I was also very happy to see some of the Hummingbirds in attendance at the Mass singing. They always seem to amaze me. I actually met two of the monks today, since this was the third time attending Mass there it was about time I actually started to introduce myself. I don't think they realize that I am with the Brothers. They seemed like some really nice guys. They invited us next Sunday to there celebration of the Feast of St. Benedict. I am really excited about attending and am really looking forward to it.

Once I got back to the house though I really wasn't sure what I was going to be doing today. What I found on the t.v. was Edward Scissorhands, which is a movie I always enjoy watching. Br. Roger came up and said that we were going to go swimming with Joe Joe, who is the director of alumni affairs for the school. Joe Joe is super nice because he wants me to have a great experience of the Philippines while I can. So we get to the Aquino Resort, I may say resort, but it is not what you think when it comes to resorts. They had two swimming pools, one for kids and one for adults, some huts, and many fish ponds. The people that own the place make there money off of the fish they raise and sale and the resort that makes money. I was really impressed by the fish ponds because this family is making money off of tilapia that they raise. What was going through my mind was how much they are making doing this, but supposedly they are doing quite well, which makes me very happy. The day included eating, swimming, videoke, and Red Horse, which is the beer around here. It was a really fun day! Now I am completely exhausted.

I am finding out that in each day I am here, I am impressed by something. Like today the fish that was being raised by this family to sale. I was also impressed by the Hummingbirds today at Mass. One of the girls in the Hummingbirds was the cantor for the psalm, which she did a wonderful job. To me it spoke more than her just singing, it was a reflection on the life she is trying to live as a Catholic woman. From her singing, it showed to me that faith is more to her than attending Mass every Sunday, but something that is involved in her daily life that she so freely expresses through her contribution to a liturgy. I want to thank her for sharing her faith with me.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


So It seems that there are many periods of the day where the Brothers I live with start speaking in the native tongue, which leads to me asking what like all the time. So much so that they have started making fun of me by the way I say what. It's just become so natural for me to say what.

Well today started off well because I was able to sleep in. The college was having there acquaintance party all day and to start it all off there was a Mass. So the Mass was suppose to start at 8 a.m., well it was 8 a.m. and there was no Mass kit, not lectionary or sacramentary, therefore, sending me into a panic because none of the Hummingbirds were around which they have a key to the office. Then the priest was kind if impatient, he is Filipino, but I wonder if he has ever heard of Filipino time. Lucky enough everything got sorted out and we started Mass about 30 minutes late.

After Mass, I washed clothes, yet again, enough said! It takes forever.

This afternoon was pretty fun. Some of the Brothers and myself went to a really small island and I mean really small. A football field is larger than this island. They have canopies and of course water to go swim in. It turned out to be a beautiful since it was pouring this morning. I enjoyed it and got me some sun. We were only there a few hours. Got back to campus and performed the dance again to the students, they enjoyed it. I also went to Madame Rose's house, which was a lot of fun. Got to see Jampy, who is always so adorable and her puppy.

Tomorrow I will be attending Mass at the Benedictine Monastery here in town and then something fun again since it is the American Independence Day!

Friday, July 2, 2010


Yesterday was Davao del Sur day, so we didn't have school. I do have to say I think yesterday was probably my most laziest day here in the Philippines. I just sat around the house and watched movies. I did play basketball last night, but that was about it.

However, something really urgent came up last night. Come to find out my Visa expired. Br. Dan sent me an email letting me know that I needed to get to Davao to have it fixed. On our actual Visas in our passports it says that the visa will not expire till August 3rd, but when we arrived in the Philippines they stamped it and then put a date of June 18th in there. We noticed this when we got here and went to the airport to have it checked out, but they told us we were fine. Obviously we weren't. So I was up really early this morning and on a bus with one of the Brothers at 6 a.m. for Davao. The worst part about traveling from Digos to Davao is that it is really long and very tiring. I was hoping to get the Visa taken care of and back to Digos as soon as possible because I was already missing a school Mass, and wanted to go to the school we helped build, which is a public school, to have Mass there. Well other errands got in the way with some of the Brothers and I got back to Digos too late, so I missed both Masses. However, I was exhausted. I went to the Director of campus ministry to explain the situation because he had no idea, and he was alright. I ended up coming to lay down for about 2 hours. I was able to catch the First Friday Mass at the Cathedral that is meant for the college students. It was nice because I hate it when I miss Mass.

I have learned in my time as a seminarian and now as a Brother how meaningful it is to attend Mass. My day pretty much is not complete if I am not able to attend Mass. I have enjoyed reading our Rule of Life where it talks about the Eucharist so far in four of the rules. Some feel like attending Mass is an obligation, but I don't see it that way. It isn't an obligation, it is an opportunity to grow in a relationship with Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. By attending Mass I feel connected on a global basis to other people. One friend of mine even though we don't see each other we always tell each other "see you at Mass." If it seems as if I am going to miss Mass I start to panic because it is so important to me. Gotta love it!

In other news, one of my professors from Le Moyne has asked me to write a letter to support her application for tenure. I am really honored that she has asked me and I am looking forward to composing this letter.