Sunday, July 11, 2010


So Sunday's here in the Digos community are usually the mornings where we can typically sleep in and I try to take advantage of that option. However, this morning I was awoken to a knock on my door by one of the Brothers wanting me to go say goodbye to my formation director. I said that I told my formation director that I might be asleep when he leaves. I stayed in bed though for another hour. It is also nice on Sunday's when we don't catch an early Sunday Mass instead we have one later and can really take the time to catch up on our much needed rest especially since this week will be a very busy week for me.

Well the Sunday college student's held there acquaintance party today. It started off with a Mass celebrated by Father Rico. Now Father Rico is a young priest, he is only 31 years old and can really relate to the young people. Plus he is just a really nice guy, he is going to be in Ottawa, Canada to study Canon Law come September. Might have to try to see if we could plan a road trip to visit with him. The Mass was really nice, like always here. Now there are these two sisters that attend the Sunday College. They belong to the Apostolic Daughters of Mary and they are really amazing women. They are also really fun and I always enjoy being around both of them because they make me laugh. I told them that if they were in America and young women got to know them, they would be signing up in a heart beat.

This afternoon was rather slow, helped move some things around the school. This evening we went to the Benedictine Monastery here in Digos to celebrate there fiesta with them. The monks that I have met have all been super men. It was nice, it started off with Vespers and then we all moved into there flower garden for dinner. The place was really nice and they also had a band. It was great being able to go to vespers with them because it brought up memories of all the times I prayed with the monks at St. Joseph's Abbey. I kind of wanted to see some of the psalms like they do at the Abbey. There garden space was really beautiful and very accommodating. I would enjoy hanging out in that space. It also gave me time to meet some more of the monks and actually introduce myself since they see me at Mass here. They had crabs at dinner and let me just say I really enjoyed eating some crabs, made me feel like I was at home. They also had a band and the band would let anyone sing. Well they wanted me to sing, but by the time I found a song to sing it was too late and they were wrapping things up.
Back to the topic of singing. I wrote in my last blog that I had sung for some students, well I did it again today for the students of Sunday College right before I left for the Monastery. They all really enjoyed it and the two ADM sisters were throwing there hands up in the air. It's amazing, I have so much confidence to get in front of the crowd to talk and to sing at that, but back in the states I get really nervous. I might not be the best singer in the world, but I try and I appreciate all the support those that have to listen to me give me. Today they wanted an encore, they wanted me to sing again, but I had nothing in my repertoire. Maybe next time. I should really learn some old classic songs because they all seem to know those songs.

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