Tuesday, July 20, 2010

One shot!

So since I was in high school I realized that I could shoot half court shots backwards. It is actually easier to shoot them backwards then forwards. Well on Saturday I was shooting them, it usually takes me a few times to actually make it because I have to see how hard I am throwing the ball, the way I am throwing it, etc. Well today I was talking to one of the worker students telling him about it because there was basketball going on outside today. Well I went out there and asked the children if I could shoot half court shots backwards and if they would rebound for me till I make it. They agreed. What happened next was absolutely amazing. My first try at shooting it was a complete success. NOTHING BUT NET! I was really happy, students were cheering, and the whole time I was shocked because it took me only one shot. Gosh I wish I had had my camera out there.

Other than that today was day 2 of recollections. The group was much smaller today then it usually has been, instead of a group that numbers over the 40's we had a group of 28. Another thing was that this group was composed more of males then females. I gave my meditation again today. I get such an incredible feeling every time I deliver the meditation. From the feedback we were getting from the students, they were going deep into the meditation that I wanted them to go into. However, tomorrow I am going to be adding more on what I do in the morning with them. It is a trial in the hopes that I will facilitate one of the recollections next week. It just makes me really nervous just trying to know the material, but also because there is a language barrier. I challenged my group today to try to speak in English, but some felt that to explain they had to speak in their native tongue which I completely understand. I just want them to experience something while on the recollection. The recollections give me time to be by myself and to think, but it also helps me to understand what these students are facing in there lives.

Had an animation session tonight with the other Brothers. I am amazed how deep they go into what the General Chapter asked of the Brothers back in 2006. I hope to take back with me some of these things to put into practice. I also like how the perpetually professed Brothers make up a formation plan as well to let the council know how they are doing and what they are doing. I think that needs to be a practice, just because it is hard for me being the only novice and not being able to here the formation plans that the perpetually professed Brothers are going through because let's be honest, we say ongoing formation, but how can we bring this into practice.

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